Manas Writes

/about me

just some random cover pic

I work as a Technology Integration Engineer at Amdocs. In my free time, I’m a competitive coder and a part-time blogger. I enjoy watching movies and experimenting with cooking, among other things. I’m always excited to explore new tech ideas.

I love automating stuff and I usually dabble in python, java and bash. But maybe its time to try some new things. That’s why I thought I will try implementation of ruby based blog generation framework - jekyll on github to automate rendering pages for me. So I can focus on my thoughts rather than how to present it or write it. This is kind of a relaxing place for me so I think I’ll keep it simple, clean and minimalistic. Less distractions!

This is my place where I write my musings… well sometimes atleast! I built this blog in my sophomore year of college while trying out web development for the first time. So basically this helped me eliminate web development or atleast basic web dev with vanilla javascript and static pages as my first career choice… But still I had fun doing it, and sometimes debugging also, however painful it was, still it was an honest days work for me at that time. So I thought maybe I’ll revisit it again and hence doing a complete overhaul of the whole thing.

That’s pretty much me for now. Thanks for reading, and I’ll be back with more soon!